21k for Peace

Peace is a marathon. It’s not an easy run, but worth every single step. It takes patience and endurance, and is not about winning or losing. It is about doing it.

A group of students came together to run the Half Marathon at the Vienna City Marathon on 21 April 2024. They were training since January 2024 in order to be able to run 21k. Will we also succeed in raising 21k Euro?

  • You can still donate as much as far as you wanted us to run. One euro equals one meter. Together we can reach the 21k!
  • Write to friends, colleagues and family and ask them for donations.

Bank details:

Peace Studies Fund e.V.
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
IBAN: DE89 4306 0967 4117 1033 00

Please add as designated use “21k for Peace”.